2.3 M Devotees Visited ‘Balak Ram’ in 10 Days and Donated Crores of Rupees

After the consecration ceremony, about 2.3 million devotees visited ‘Balak Ram’ in just 10 days. This showed how much respect and devotion people have for ‘Balak Ram’. It was also a remarkable display of generosity. Many visitors donated money – millions of dollars in total.

Their donations, both the amount of money and the huge number of people donating, showed their strong spiritual connection to ‘Balak Ram’. The enormous response emphasized how important ‘Balak Ram’ is as a holy place. It left a deep impression on the many devoted followers who came seeking comfort and blessings.

23 Lakh Devotees Visited ‘Balak Ram’ in 10 Days and Donated Crores of Rupees

Ayodhya, V.N. Das reporting: After the ceremony to consecrate the statue of child Ram in the Ram temple, 2.3 million devotees have visited here. In just the last 10 days, the total amount of offerings and donations has crossed 110 million rupees.

According to Prakash Gupta of the Temple Trust, in the last 10 days alone, about 80 million rupees was deposited in the donation box. Another 35 million rupees or so was received through checks and online donations.

He said that in the inner sanctum of the grand temple where the statue of child Ram is located, there are four large donation boxes placed along the path in front of the statue. Devotees can directly offer donations to Lord Ram in these boxes. There are also 10 computerized donation counters where people can give money.

Employees of the Temple Trust work at the counters and record all of the donations received. At the end of each day, they submit the total amount collected to the Trust office. So donations are being accepted both directly at the statue through the boxes, as well as at manned counters to facilitate and track all offerings.

A team of 13 employees is responsible for counting the donations from the four boxes. This team includes 11 bank employees and 3 temple trust employees. Prakash Gupta said that the entire process of collecting and counting donations is monitored by CCTV cameras.

From the time devotees deposit money in the boxes to when the offerings are counted, everything is recorded on camera. This provides transparency and oversight of the donation process at the temple.


In only 10 days, about 2.3 million people visited ‘Balak Ram’ and donated a lot of money. This shows that many people deeply care about and believe in ‘Balak Ram.’ Both the large amount of money donated and the huge number of visitors tell us that ‘Balak Ram’ is extremely important to many people. It is a special place where people’s faith and generosity come together, creating a powerful impact on the spiritual community around ‘Balak Ram.’

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